The Campus Museum or "CM" Project is an effort to transform the AIMS Lighthouse Building into a museum and learning hub. The initiative synchronizes AIMS Museo Maritimo and training facilities into a cohesive learning hub. The exhibition weaves the Lighthouse Building into a seamless and continuous museum learning experience. In this arrangement, the facilities in the building such as the radar room, engine room, simulators, and others will become part of the museum learning experience.
Explore the Lighthouse Building
The Lighthouse Building covers the story of the Philippines as a maritime nation-state and the influence of its archipelagic and maritime features. This project contextualizes the Philippine history and developmental narrative in a maritime prism. The content and exhibitions revolve around the Geist of the Philippines as a maritime nation.
The exhibition follows a linear narrative that tells the story of the Philippines and the Filipino people from its early period to the contemporary period. Each deck of the Lighthouse Building depicts the progression of the Philippines towards nation-hood.
A Nation of Migrants
The Philippines is a nation of immense ethnic diversity synthesizing the great cultures of the Austronesian, Indo, Sino, Islamic, Hispanic, and Anglo-American worlds. A series of migrations for millennia gave Filipinos a diverse culture forging it as a unique people among the Eastern nations.
We begin our story by tracing the great migration of different ethnicities. This exhibition titled ‘A Nation of Migrants’ narrates the story of the Filipino people - its origin and identity. Discover the archipelagic and maritime features of the Philippine islands and the waves of migration that created the Filipino identity.
Visit our Maritime Library in Deck 5.